Minecraft Castle

This article is for users of Minecraft that have some experience with it, but it doesn't have to be much. What I would like to do is show you how to make that dream of being the best on your multiplayer server. By building that great castle that everyone looks up to and drools with envy, I will show you how to become good at the game. There is a couple steps to it of course. And, to say the least, it's going to be frustrating and annoying. In my opinion, there are about 5 steps required (general) to start off. Well, here they are.

The first step is to of course build your house and make it with a large storage unit. This way you have a chance to build up supplies for building that huge castle that you have always wanted to build. This is not going to be an easy task, so beware, as I think this may be the hardest part of building a castle. After you have about 10 big chests full of material, like stone, then you may start building. The reason I say this is because it is the most annoying thing when you are in the middle of building your castle and you run out of materials.

The second step is to go mining. If you have a lot of time, accomplishing this task will not be to hard. Once you go mine for a long time, you should start to accumulate many ores, and cobblestone. Make sure you keep all the cobblestone. It will be useful for the ultimate step. You will be mining for different things depending on what type of castle you would like to build. If you are trying to build an obsidian castle good luck, and may the force be with you because were talking hours of hitting obsidian just to fill a small chest. That would be no small feat. Anyways, if you are like most people then you will build a stone castle, which is great because it's easy to get, and it looks great for the exterior.

The third thing you are going to want to do is to create some type of armor, so that you can start to fight monsters. From this point on you will not want to die. Now, how much would it suck if you went through all that trouble, and you died? Poof, bye-bye EXP So, invest in that diamond armor to make it all worthwhile. You should start to pretend that your playing in hardcore mode, so you don't make any annoying careless mistakes. The reason of why you would not want to die is that you want to start to accumulate as much experience as you can. The reasoning to this is because to be a strong player, you are going to want to keep the exp for enchanting. Enchanted items are always much stronger.

The 4th step is to go get the enchanted armor. The reason for this is so that you are even stronger, so that you are less likely to get killed by mobs/players. I hope that you understand my logic in these steps outlined so far. I feel that it is necessary to be strong in armor, because what if your "friend" betrays you? time to get him back, and you'll need to be strong most likely.

The 5th step is to create a castle. The castle signifies a great player, and building a castle can make a huge difference in how you are recognized as a player. There are some steps that you will need to follow to create this amazing Castle. If you do not follow these steps, your castle won't have a strong backbone, and may actually get ruined or destroyed quite easily. You DON'T want this to be you. Well, thanks for reading, and I hope it was an interesting read.

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